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Showing posts from 2013
Ranger enjoys his evening TV with Mom.               and listens closely to all discussions.
Here's a preview of Barb's ad for the Corgi Club's newsletter! The holiday season is always fun with the pups!
Today was our trip down to Olympia to get Maeve and Jazz's hips and elbows xray'd . Everything started out well enough... as we were slowing down for a red light on hwy 512... WHAM... we were slammed into from behind. Barb immediately jumped out to check on the dogs in their crates riding in the back of the van. As I turned around to see what had happened I heard "interesting" language as Barb hauled with both arms to get the jammed doors open. Luckily that big ol' blue van is a tough box to crack and all that was damaged (so far as we could tell) was the bumper which was bent up a bit making it hard to open the doors. The car behind us had run squarely into the hitch receiver and bumper. After exchanging info, we continued on to our appointment and lunch out! The vet said the xrays looked good and everyone is OK. Hopefully our next vet visit won't be quite so eventful...
Evening bottle Here's something we didn't expect! Ranger, as an only child, doesn't quite get the concept of solid food ( ground up puppy chow mixed with milk/formula)! He's willing to try it out of curiosity but when it comes to "food" all he wants is his bottle of formula. There's no bro's and sis's to compete with over the consumption of a pan of mush, so he just ignores it. He gets a bottle morning and evening and has a pan of mush available the rest of the day. By 5 weeks corgi pups are usually little eatting machines! I doubt he'll ever know he's a dog! Sure hope he doesn't think he's a stuffed tiger... (his constant snuggle companion in the whelping box).
Ranger-5 weeks Ranger looking to play after his evening bottle. Splenda has taken him under her wing for short play sessions, tolerating his bouncing advances and puppy nips.
Poe Kristina Drzaic's puppy "Poe" shows awesome herding instinct in this youtube video !
Ranger Here's the Lone "Ranger" making his case for an immediate warm milk bottle to be delivered to his basket ASAP... play time to follow as needed!
Our favorite agility trainers!
Corgis and the Rainier R from KOMO news: Neighborhood 'R' Crawl Starting in Georgetown, the new Rainier 'R' traveled to different neighborhoods in Seattle including Queen Anne, Ballard, Fremont, Belltown and Capitol Hill. The neighborhood 'R' Crawl was a kickoff event for Restore the R that will feature the Rainier 'R' returning to the top of the Old Rainier Brewery on Thursday, October 24th. Learn more about the installation party at October 22nd 2013. (Joshua Lewis / KOMO News)
With great sadness... Evanwhit's recent, much anticipated litter of puppies was born prematurly and after a week of 24/7 struggle have failed to thrive.
Evanwhit dog about town "Gus" and his best buddy, Randy Earle, author of the blog " We will find a way " Check them out for a unique view of Seattle!
Lola'a solo boy pup- now 2 weeks old This little guy always heads for the corner of the whelping box for his naps after feeding and warming up between the paws of his big stuffed tiger friend. Momma Lola doesn't have any milk, so he's a "hand-raised" baby!
Lola's Boy Early this morning Evanwhit welcomed one beautiful, large, red and white male puppy thanks to momma Lola and Daddy Riff Raff.
 You'd think that everything was peaceful to watch these two on the couch... until......... the room explodes into chaos!
Pashetta is visiting for the week while Momma, Barb is back at the Corgi Nationals. Maeve is thrilled to have a running partner and play-mate!
Puyallup Fair, 2013 "Bubbles" meets bubbles! Her opinion...."They don't taste good!"
Peggy Cobb's two boys (Sy and Jr, below) running AKC agility in the month of July. Both finished new titles!
Friday, August 9 was Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club's Specialty in Olympia, WA. Barb showed pretty girl "Lyric" in the puppy classes. She won her Sweepstakes class and placed second in the regular classes.Tomorrow will be the Nisqually Kennel Club Show for Lyric. She's learning fast and really seems to enjoy showing.
Maeve and I spent the last weekend of July on Vancouver Is, BC attending a Donna Brinkworth Urban Tracking Clinic. The setting could not have been more scenic and the weather was beautiful. Urban tracking introduces the dog and handler to all that might be found in the urban environment- roads, parking lots, sidewalks, stairs, buildings and more! Training as well as tests involve lots of people, other animals and cross-tracks galore. The dogs proved again and again that it really doesn't matter! They can handle it all with ease.
Today's walk Regis Park in Renton, on the Cedar River Lots of new trees planted along the bank that came so close to washing out last winter- a nice easy, flat walking site. Maeve met a very nice corgi and valhund on our way to the river.
Today's walk for Maeve and I was at Auburn's Game Farm Wilderness Park. I haven't been there in quite awhile and was surprised at how dry everything is this year! Guess it really is summer... OMG, the river is white! It's full of silt. One of the little back-water's showed just how much silt... wonder what's causing it? Rest at the turn-around.... whew!
Spent the morning at Powell's Woods, a beautiful little garden in Federal Way on Dash Pt. It's not easy to find if the gate is open because the gate has the only sign with their name on it! All you notice as you drive by is a little A-frame that says "The garden is Open". Once located however, it's a little gem!
7-14-13 Puppy Sunday! Babies are 8 weeks old These little ones are Dudie and Paschetta's
On Friday we got to celebrate with Peggy Cobb and Junior for his MACH... Master Agility Champion at the age of 9! What a joy to watch a team who are so happy to be out there playing the game.
Maeve enjoyed a beautiful day playing with dog friends, Molly and Jack, in Issaquah on Cinco de Mayo.
Bubbles is the proud mother of four babies, one male and three females. Rocky, Evanwhit Jingle Bell Rock, is the father. The one tri-color on the left in this picture is a girl.
Look out world!