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Showing posts from May, 2014
Went by to visit Maeve's babies who are one week old! The little tri girl (on the right in the picture) is still half the size of her big brothers but seems to be doing well. Maeve is now comfortable enough to go outside for longer than 30 seconds before asking to go back in to the whelping box to check on everyone.
On Friday, the 23rd, Maeve (Trengate Evanwhit Don't Shoot the Messenger) whelped 9 pups- 2 boys and 7 girls. Dad is Rocky (Evanwhit Jingle Bell Rock). Among the girls is a natural bob-tail! We were not aware that either Maeve or Rocky had the gene for natural bob-tails... surprize!    Both of the boys are tricolors. Of the 7 girls, one is a tri-color and one appears to be a sable; all others are red and white. Friday was a long day. Maeve had her first baby at about 7am and the last at about 6pm.
Master "Quigley" DesPeaux was the first of Jaz's pups to go to his new forever-home. He spent the evening negotiating an understanding with his elder sister who's not quite sure what to make of his presence as yet. His Mom says he slept very soundly in his crate after a very full day.
Maeve- 47 days and counting! She's due between the 22nd and 24th this month.