Hello Barb!
I know it's almost six months into Luna
(Dudi's new name) and I's relationship so I'm sorry for sending this so
late into her new life. She is thriving, being a great companion! Luna
gets to come to work with me to this peer counseling lounge where she is
admired and petted by visitors and co-workers. She gets very excited
when we get off work and races around the campus square. Luna has a few
doggie friends whom she chases and gets chased by. She obliges being on a
longboard (a large skateboard) while I push her along around the
neighborhood on sunny days. She has two furry roommates- two cats, one
of whom tries to play with her a lot.
loves hikes around the Sound and has been very cultured through visits
to the East coast, art museums. parades, cafes, special guest speakers,
and other fun events.
Attached are some photos! I hope you are doing well!
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