Coventry Cathedral |

Many apologies to all- we discovered that we were staying in a cell phone and wifi "whole in the grid" at our B&B in Coventry. We just couldn't get anything out. We're now located at our 2nd B&B in Birmingham and are hopeful of better connections. Saturday morning was my day to explore Coventry! The town was bombed to oblivion in 1940-1945. Their beautiful old cathedral is now an "open-air" affair. Only the bell-tower remains. I climbed to the top (slowly), viewing the bells on the way and then gazed about the countryside while holding on for life in a gale-force wind. Coventry was a weavers town back in the day and still make some gorgeous small pieces for the tourists. They've also got a nice art museum called the Herbert where I saw an exhibit of Egyptian artifacts and a small collection of "Old Masters" paintings.
Lady Godiva |
Lady Godiva lived here! Who would have thought? She still has her detractors however as is evident by the picture of her I took. By lunch time someone had removed her shroud and restored her to her natural state. She's just about a block from the cathedral.
Sat. afternoon we all rode the bus to Crufts and watched the finals of the international team agility and then a great Golden Retriever drill-team. There were about 20 dogs and handlers who managed very interesting marching routines to music. After another round of cruising the vendors we rode home in the rain.
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