Monday Moving Day- Taxi's are an interesting event in England. First of all, we don't understand a word they say! Today's specimen of the breed wore a small clothe cap that led me to believe that he might have been Indian or Pakistani or ??? The leading characteristic however is the "bat out of hell" driving scheme they all seem to have learned. Lanes, either left or right, don't seem to carry much weight in their world. We gave him the address we wanted and he shot off and before we knew it we found ourselves in the center of Birmingham's Muslim district- what??? This doesn't look like the airport area that we'd described from our map. Uh sir..... this doesn't look right. I finally suggested STRONGLY that he call the guest house for directions. We eventually made it, after a full tour of Birmingham and two stops for him to talk to other cab drivers. Luckily he wasn't a butt about the fare. Time to recover.....
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