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Showing posts from August, 2013
Peggy Cobb's two boys (Sy and Jr, below) running AKC agility in the month of July. Both finished new titles!
Friday, August 9 was Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club's Specialty in Olympia, WA. Barb showed pretty girl "Lyric" in the puppy classes. She won her Sweepstakes class and placed second in the regular classes.Tomorrow will be the Nisqually Kennel Club Show for Lyric. She's learning fast and really seems to enjoy showing.
Maeve and I spent the last weekend of July on Vancouver Is, BC attending a Donna Brinkworth Urban Tracking Clinic. The setting could not have been more scenic and the weather was beautiful. Urban tracking introduces the dog and handler to all that might be found in the urban environment- roads, parking lots, sidewalks, stairs, buildings and more! Training as well as tests involve lots of people, other animals and cross-tracks galore. The dogs proved again and again that it really doesn't matter! They can handle it all with ease.
Today's walk Regis Park in Renton, on the Cedar River Lots of new trees planted along the bank that came so close to washing out last winter- a nice easy, flat walking site. Maeve met a very nice corgi and valhund on our way to the river.
Today's walk for Maeve and I was at Auburn's Game Farm Wilderness Park. I haven't been there in quite awhile and was surprised at how dry everything is this year! Guess it really is summer... OMG, the river is white! It's full of silt. One of the little back-water's showed just how much silt... wonder what's causing it? Rest at the turn-around.... whew!
Spent the morning at Powell's Woods, a beautiful little garden in Federal Way on Dash Pt. It's not easy to find if the gate is open because the gate has the only sign with their name on it! All you notice as you drive by is a little A-frame that says "The garden is Open". Once located however, it's a little gem!